Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Hilary & Troy

It's always refreshing to take photos of a couple . . .
after they're married. It seems people don't always
see the value in having photos taken other than at
major milestones in their lives, like weddings, being a
senior in high school, and the addition of a new family
member. And while those moments are important too, so
are the ones in between ~ the everyday moments that
capture who you are now. So I thought it was so cool
when Hilary & Troy wanted to capture just that.
And of course I couldn't resist sneaking a photo of that
adorable pug!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Troy and I had a blast with you on Sunday! You're ability to capture our true essence in these photos is amazing! We wanted you to capture our love for nature and each other, and you did quite beautifully! And, you braved the wild, even risking poison ivy to get that perfect shot! :) You truly are an artist and an inspiration. We love you!

~Hilary, Troy, Kaye & Chloe (the pug)