Thursday, October 21, 2010


So what happens when you decide one costume is
just not enough for your baby's 1st Halloween?
I mean the pressure of picking just one costume
not to mention the insane adorableness of babies
at this age & the potential cuteness of having
several costumes . . .

Well, you create a new holiday and call it:

A Halloween/Chaunukkah combo that gives
us 8 nights of costumes!!
Starting at sunset, this Sunday, Oct 24th, 2010,
check back here or on our Facebook page for
daily photos of Logan's many identities.

Let the cuteness begin . . .


AlwaysGettingThere said...

I can't wait for Halloweenukkah!

Lindsay Blake said...

stinking adorable!!! I love him! and you!!!!!! can't wait to see the rest!!!! can you take this one again and put some sweet black rimmed glasses on him :)