Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sometimes lucky is good...

... and we lucked out with the weather yesterday. It turned out to be one of the best days of the entire Fall season, and I had a wonderful time taking photos of Jessica and Norm.

Too bad Casey couldn't have been there (she's WAY too pregnant right now!) - because she would have loved to be there talking with this amazingly in-love-and-happy couple.

I actually taught Jessica in high school, and she is someone I respect greatly. She always had a quiet confidence, and had a level of dedication and commitment in everything she did that is rare in students.

She always told me (the optimist) and another teacher (the pessimist) that she would get married to her high school love... and I feel lucky to be the one taking their photos to prove the other teacher wrong.

Jessica and Norm are both amazing people who are destined to make a difference in the world. Good stuff all around, and maybe that's why we got lucky with the weather.

Congratulations, you two.










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